Find out what's on in and around Pinoso using the events link. Pinoso has over 40 bars and restaurants with many providing live music, quizzes, bingo and more. It's well worth checking out on your travels.
Visit Date: 3 year's ago - Review Created: 30 June 21
Opera in the street in Pinoso
The Pinós hosts Opera, “The guardian mocked” as part of the activities organised for Wednesday, 14 July.
This is a project of cultural diffusion that pays tribute to the Valencian composer more universal, Vicente Martín y Soler, “The Arts Flying”
All interested people that want to come to the representation must collect their invitation at the Cultural Centre.

Heatwave in Spain
AEMET, the State Meteorological Agency announces an episode of very high temperatures in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
Saturday and Sunday could exceed 40ºC in large areas of the southern peninsular. In areas of the interior of the Levante area, the 44ºC could be exceeded

A 3 minute silence was held in Pinoso today for the young gay man who was brutally murdered
A 3 minute silence was held in Pinoso today for the young gay man who was brutally murdered in the street in A Coruna at the weekend.
This horrific act of violence is sadly an example of why LGBTI communities and friends still need to fight for equality and acceptance.

UE Covid Certificate
Do you have to travel?
Download the COVID Digital EU Certificate
Facilitates the free and safe movement of citizens within the European Union during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The certificate is free, safe and accessible to the entire population. It is easy to obtain, ensures interoperability throughout the European Union and fully respects fundamental rights, including the protection of personal data.
To apply, you must have received at least one dose of the vaccine, had a COVID-19 diagnostic test or had passed the disease 180 days before travelling.
You can request it from the coronavirus portal http://coronavirus.san.gva.es/es/certificado-digital-ue

Good morning, on the first day of the month of July!
A new month with high temperatures. At the weekend the highs will reach 39ºC, the first heatwave of the summer arrives

Mass Vaccination in Pinoso
Mass Vaccination against COVID
1983-1984-1985-1986 and outstanding from 1979-1984
Second dose: Born from 1956 to 1958
If you do not know the appointment, you can reschedule the appointment by ringing 966 95 70 70.
You must go to the Health Center with the SIP card at the established time, according to the range of date of birth. The vaccine you will be given will be Pfizer.
If it is impossible to attend or refuse vaccination, you can call to inform and/or make an appointment. 966 95 70 70.
If you have passed COVID for 6 months or more, let us know. Only one dose should be given.
Warn before being vaccinated of any incidence.


Children's theatre " Save the planet"
On Friday, June 25, Children's theatre " Save the planet"
Place: Municipal Garden. 21: 30 hours.
Free admission: you can pick up the tickets at the Cultural Center.
Songs, surprises,.and lots of laughs.
More information at 965 478 329.

The Health Center Pinoso-Algueña, announces that Thursday 24 and Friday 25 June, will be closed.
Only Emergencies will be dealt with.
The Health Center Pinoso-Algueña, announces that Thursday 24 and Friday 25 June, will be closed.
Only Emergencies will be dealt with.

Mass Vaccinations in Pinoso
Mass Vaccinations in Pinoso

COVID Mass Vaccinations
Mass Vaccination against COVID
If you do not know the appointment you can reschedule the appointment 966 95 70 70.
You must go to the Health Center with the SIP card at the established time, according to the range of date of birth.
The vaccine to be given will be Pfizer.
If it is impossible to attend or refuse vaccination, you can call to inform and / or make an appointment. 966 95 70 70.
If you have passed COVID for 6 months or more, let us know. Only one dose should be given.
Warn us before being vaccinated of any incidence.

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