Barceló: "we can not let down our guard, the irresponsibility of a few affects us all”
?? The Valencian Community registers 117 new cases of coronavirus in
the last 24 hours
???? Currently, there are 70 people admitted with coronavirus in Valencian hospitals
?? Valencia (24.07.20). The Valencian Community has registered since the last update 117 new cases by PCR test, which put the total number of positive in 12,451 people.
?? The consellera De Sanitat Universal I Salut Pública, Ana Barceló, has wanted to launch a new message of prudence: “we can not let our guard down.
The irresponsibility of a few affects us all” " he says. In this regard, he insisted that " we must continue to comply with hygiene and protection measures, but above all we must think that the risk of contagion continues and the best prevention is social distance and prudence”.
???? By province, the number of new cases is: 15 in Castellón (1,734 in total); 35 in the province of Alicante (4,197 in total); 50 in the province of Valencia (6,493 in total) and another 17 unallocated cases that add to 10 previous cases.
On the other hand, 49 patients with coronavirus have been discharged, so the total number of people cured already amounts to 17,935 people: 2,551 in Castellón, in
5,959 Alicante and 9,424 Valencia, plus 1 to an unassigned case.
Thus, there are currently active 709 cases, which represents 3.52% of the total positive.
The Valencian hospitals currently have 70 people admitted: the
province of Castellón with 13, without patients in the ICU; 14 in the province of Alicante, of them 3 in the ICU; and 43 in the province of Valencia, 4 of them in the ICU.
No deaths from coronavirus have been recorded since the last Data Update, so the total deaths remain at 1,477 people. By provinces: 227 in the province of Castellón, 513 in that of Alicante and 737 in the province of Valencia.
The total number of tests ???? performed for the detection of coronavirus is 543,601, of which 412,555 were by PCR and 131,046 by rapid test.
???? The residences of the Comunitat Valenciana do not record any deaths since June 25, so they are fulfilled 29 days without deaths by coronavirus.
?? At the moment there are some positive cases in 8 centers: 1 in the province of Castellón, 1 in the province of Alicante and 6 in the province of Valencia.
?? Positive new residents: 0
?? new positives: 0
?? deceased: 0
?? At present, 3 residences in the Valencian Community are under active surveillance ???? of sanitary control: 0 in the province of Castellón, 0 in the province of Alicante and 3 in the province of Valencia.
Coron?update coronavirus outbreaks
New outbreaks:
?? Ribera de Cabanes: 4 cases. Social contact
?? Elda: 6 cases. Working environment
ALC?Alcora: 3 cases. Family outbreak
?? Monforte del Cid: 3 cases. Working environment
Previous shoots:
?? Gandia: after the study of contacts made in the last three days, you have to add 30 new positives, so the total amounts to 114.
Results of screenings:
?? Santa Pola: out of 408 tests analyzed, 402 have been ruled out as negative. At the moment, only 6 positives. Thus, in the outbreak of Santa Pola related to nightlife, there are, so far, 24 positive cases.
?? Regarding the outbreak of the beach of San Juan, Public Health of Alicante has conducted research and follow-up related to cases of Elche and a
possible connection with the beach of San Juan.
After the result of the screening of cases and the tests carried out, public health of Alicante has determined that there is no epidemiological link with the referred cases of Elche, with which it has concluded that there is no outbreak on the beach of San Juan.
?? From Public Health clarify that outbreaks are studied once there is any suspicion, that is, before a group of cases is initiated an investigation under the hypothesis of a possible origin (community, family) and
municipality. Depending on the results obtained, the outbreak is reclassified if necessary, it may even occur that it is considered not an outbreak and is canceled.