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Author: Sarah Last updated: Fri 29 Jan 10:23
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What would it be like if The Rock became president

To be realistic, I think I would do it better than Trump, and with a little luck and a little quick learning, I think I would do it very well. The problem is that if elected, the United States could set a precedent for famous politicians that could have serious and possibly unforeseen consequences.

As already reported, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson could run for President. A year ago, people would probably have shrugged, Johnson himself would probably have done some dumbbell shrugs, on the news, but now... well, now anything is a possibility in this post-Trump world.

Facebook and Instagram followers, especially for a guy with more than 58 million likes on his official Facebook page and more than 86 million followers. Instagram Facebook followers and 6.7 million Instagram followers are only 22 million, by comparison, Donald Trump has only 22 million Facebook fans and 6.7 million Instagram followers.

Which made us think: what if the Rock decided to turn its back on being the highest-paid actor in the world to run for office? What if I win? What kind of President would he be? We know he's strong. We know he's a good guy. We know he's a good actor, after all, he was a WWE Superstar (Oh, did you think we meant his movies? Those too). But what would that mean for the White House?

We had some fodder in the Rock world and we made these totally unscientific but very probable determinations.

1. If he got into the ring, he'd take it seriously.

In the article that generated all this speculation, Johnson talked about the first time the idea was mentioned.

He shared the article with his followers almost immediately, but then decided it was worth giving the idea, and his potential policies, a proper thought, saying, " I didn't want to be frigid: 'we'll have three days off for a weekend! No taxes! There would be no strangulation in the economy, then...

2. The troops had to be protected

In his films, Johnson has saved the United States, and the world, numerous times, and usually without help. As president, I would literally have an army at your disposal, and I would not be afraid to use it. Johnson is a great admirer of the U.S. military and, late last year, even organized a mega event in support of the military to honour the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbour. It was called Rock The Troops.

While we cannot say with certainty what their plan of action would be, we hope that you have seen enough conflict as an actor and fighter not to start more wars, and simply stick to caring for veterans.

3. He would also take care of the Little People

With all his millions, Johnson can afford to take care of those close and dear to him: for Christmas last year, he bought his father Rocky a new car.

While he probably wouldn't hand out a new car to all citizens, we think he would probably be a compassionate leader, especially since his father had a rough life and Johnson himself grew up on little money. In addition, one of his fighting movements was called the people's Elbow. 

4. There would be golf...

It seems like a prerequisite: if you're going to be president, you must love playing golf. The Rock would probably spend more time in the Oval Office than the current guy in the White House, that's not hard, after all, but he could also scream Trump's ass in 18 holes. He claims his longest drive in history was measured at 490 yards, just 25 shy of the world record.

5. ...but you can? To be presidential

As aggressive and heavy as he can be in the ring and on the screen, the real Dwayne Johnson is something of a thinker. He knows it would be a difficult job, and he knows there would be differences of opinion. But he is also aware that tantrums are not the way to go.

"I would like to see better leadership," he told GQ. "I would like to see more leadership. When there is a disagreement and you have a large group of people with whom you disagree, for example, the media, I feel it informs me that it could be better. You know what? He's probably right.

If Dwayne Johnson becomes president, I wish him the best of luck, and I hope he can help improve the system in which so many people have legitimately 

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